@ARTICLE{Yurchenko_Nina_Improvement_2024, author={Yurchenko, Nina and Vynogradskyy, Pavlo and Pavlovskyy, Roman}, volume={vol. 71}, number={No 4}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, pages={547-560}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, abstract={Flow control is studied to improve the aerodynamic performance of an aerofoil. A strategy for maintaining the near-wall flow structure with a given spatial scale, developed within the framework of interdisciplinary research, is used. The proposed active flow control method is based on the application of spanwise arrays of mechanical, thermal, or plasma vortex generators. The latter are found most versatile and efficient for the formulated goal. Aerodynamic coefficients measured in the specified wind tunnel are discussed for the 12.5% supercritical airfoil model. The model is controlled by the spanwise array of pulsating high-voltage plasma discharges. This multi-actuator system provides a sufficient number of control parameters such as pulse duration and repetition rate, the distance between the neighboring actuators (space scale of generated disturbances), and the plasma array location along the airfoil chord. Measurements in a range of Reynolds numbers of Rec=(3-7)x105 showed growth of a maximal lift coefficient CLmax up to 10% and the stall angle by 1.5°-3.5° accompanied by drag reduction up to 7%.}, type={Article}, title={Improvement of the airfoil lift and drag characteristics using plasma-efficient flow control}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133402/PDF-MASTER/AME_2024_152617.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ame.2024.152617}, keywords={aerodynamics, interdisciplinary research, flow restructuring, lift and drag coefficients}, }