@ARTICLE{PHROMFAIY_Apisak_The_2024, author={PHROMFAIY, Apisak and WANGSOH, Natita and SURIN, Prayoon}, volume={Vol. 15}, number={No 3}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={The novel concept of split demand is introduced based on the dynamic single-level lotsizing (DSLLS), called the DSLLS-split demand model. The hybrid algorithm based on the combination between Ant Lion Optimization (ALO) and Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO), called the HALGW algorithm is proposed in this study. The suitable cashew nut production planning is examined with the DSLLS-split demand model and the HALGW algorithm. Four monthly datasets including demand, production quantity, production cost and holding cost are collected from January 2020 to December 2020. Two main concepts with split demand and without split demand are compared with three different algorithms: ALO, GWO and HALGW. The results found that the HALGW algorithm with the concept of split demand provides the minimum cost, 507,910.11 baht with lowest RMSE value, 106.08 and lowest MAPE value, 0.0000115. Hence, this method may help the community enterprise in Tha Pla, Uttaradit, Thailand to manage their processes, efficiently.}, title={The Hybrid Ant Lion and Grey Wolf Algorithm (HALGW) for Cashew Nuts Production Plan with Split Demand}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/133003/PDF/171_3k.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2024.151482}, keywords={Split Demand, Hybrid Ant lion-Gray wolf, Lot Sizing Problem, Cashew Nuts, ProductionPlan}, }