@ARTICLE{Rodzewicz_Mirosław_Load_2024, author={Rodzewicz, Mirosław}, volume={vol. 71}, number={No 4}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, pages={525-545}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, abstract={The article focuses on the load spectrum of a lightweight unmanned aircraft. It examines the impact of load signal sampling frequency on the load spectrum derived from the load signal. The flight sessions followed two scenarios: a maneuvering flight causing a wide range of load factor variations and a calm photogrammetric flight. The recorded load signals from two types of sensors were initially rescaled into load factor time series, with an optional signal smoothing process. These series were then downsampled by selecting every nth term, resulting in load factor sequences recorded at a lower frequency. Next, all sequences were transformed into sequences of local extremes of the Load Levels, resulting from quantifying the operational load variability into 32 intervals. Two options were considered: without filtering or with filtering of sequential pairs of terms generating small Load Level increments. Subsequently, the Rainflow Counting algorithm was applied, producing 32x32 load half-cycle arrays. Based on these arrays, incremental load spectra were calculated. The study provides a detailed comparison of load spectra for different load signal sources and recording frequencies. Additionally, calculations of the fatigue life of a structural element subjected to various load spectra were performed, leading to the formulated conclusions.}, type={Article}, title={Load spectra of a light unmanned aircraft – data recording frequencies and resulting measurement variations}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/132987/PDF-MASTER/AME_2024_151335.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ame.2024.151335}, keywords={load spectra, unmanned aircraft, signal frequency, fatigue life}, }