@ARTICLE{Zapalski_Mikołaj_Identifying_2012, author={Zapalski, Mikołaj}, number={Nr 4 (36) 2012 Identity}, journal={ACADEMIA. The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, pages={22-25}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={Parasitism is extremely widespread in present-day animals, but has this been the case during all geological periods? Research indicates that it is likely to have been the case; the more advanced the ecological interaction between species, the longer it has taken to co-evolve. In many cases, predators can switch to different prey almost overnight, while parasites are usually bound to a single host species.}, type={Article}, title={Identifying Parasites}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/127196/PDF/9_ACADEMIA_EN_4_36_2012_Zapalski_Identifying.pdf}, }