@ARTICLE{Śnieżko_Grzegorz_Not_2022, author={Śnieżko, Grzegorz}, volume={Rok LXVI}, pages={199-213}, journal={Wiadomości Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={This article concerns the discovery of traces on coins that demonstrate the recycling of dies used to strike Bolesław III Wrymouth’s bracteates. They are the oldest Polish coins made using this technique. These allow us to establish the relative chronology of coins of both types and to provide evidence of a common mint origin, contributing to the wider discussion over the nature of the issue of bracteates. Thanks to this, it can be shown that as long as a coin with traces of an older design remains unique, it is equally possible to interpret it as either an overstrike or a secondary use of a die with newly engraved content.}, type={Article}, title={Not Only Overstrikes. Recycling of the Oldest Polish Bracteate Dies}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123943/PDF-MASTER/2022-01-WNUM-09-Sniezko.pdf}, doi={10.24425/wn.2022.141940}, keywords={Poland, 12th century, Bolesław III Wrymouth, coin dies, secondary use, overstrikes, bracteates, oldest Polish bracteates}, }