@ARTICLE{Suchodolski_Stanisław_A_2022, author={Suchodolski, Stanisław}, volume={Rok LXVI}, pages={167-180}, journal={Wiadomości Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={The starting point for this text was the publication of a coin, assigned to Bolesław I the Brave (992–1025), Prince of Poland, with the name BOLEZLAV and a two-side representation of a chapel (Grossmanová, Matejko-Peterka, Kašparová 2018; Fig. 4). It is currently stored in the Moravian Museum in Brno. This coin has been known in the literature since the mid-19th century (Cappe 1850). Former researchers assigned it either to Boleslav III in the Bohemia (Cappe 1850; Hanka 1856) or to Bolesław I the Brave in Poland (Stronczyński 1884; Fiala 1895; Gumowski 1939). Newer researchers ignored it completely, suspecting that it was some kind of imitation or contemporary falsification. However, its authenticity is supported by the fact that it was originally in the collection of H. Dannenberg. Finally, the matter was decided by the publication in the auction catalogue (Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne, Auction no. 67, item 132) of a coin minted on one side with the same die as the coin from Brno (Fig. 5). This allows us to postulate the existence of a new fourth die-chain in the coinage of Bolesław I the Brave (Fig. 6).}, type={Article}, title={A New/Old Coin Type of Bolesław I The Brave, and a Hoard That Was Not There}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123941/PDF-MASTER/2022-01-WNUM-07-Suchodolski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/wn.2022.141938}, keywords={Poland, 10th/11th centuries, Bolesław I the Brave, coin dies, imitation of coin dies, die-chains}, }