@ARTICLE{Trojanowski_Jan_Thermal_2002, author={Trojanowski, Jan and Bruski, Janusz}, volume={vol. 28}, number={No 1}, pages={81-95}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The oxygen and chlorophyll a contents. pH, temperature and transparency were studied in Lake Rzuno in the period from June 1998 - September I 999. This lake has a very strong thermal stratification and weaker oxygenic stratification. The degree of surface water saturation with oxygen was rather small (max. 136%) but the oxygen conditions in the whole Lake Rzuno were good because the total lack of oxygen is noted only in summer and only below 20 m depth. Whereas during autumn and spring circulation the oxygen concentration reaches 5 mg O, drn' al the bottom. The correlation between visibility of Secchi disc and chlorophyll a concentration featured high correlation indicator (r = -0.87). The awerage water transparency, low oxygen deficit and small changes in water reaction show that this lake has moderate eutrophic character.}, type={Article}, title={Thermal and Oxygenic Characteristic of Rzuno Lake (Kaszuby Lakeland)}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123807/PDF/10_AE_VOL_28_1_Trojanowski_Thermal.pdf}, keywords={oxygen, temperature, reaction, chlorophyll a, lake}, }