@ARTICLE{Sztompka_Ewa_Effect_2003, author={Sztompka, Ewa and Karwowska, Ewa and Miaśkiewicz-Pęska, Ewa}, volume={vol. 29}, number={No 1}, pages={119-125}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The aim of this research work was determination of humidity impact on yeast and moulds survival in fibrous filters. It was revealed that water content of about - 53-113% stimulated growth of fungi, especially in case of moulds. In stable filters humidity conditions (50% of weight), a number of fungi reached I 04 CFU/cm2 after 84 days, with the most intensive growth during first 7 days of the experiment. In the case of very low humidity ( 13% and less), the growth of fungi was not observed.}, type={Komunikat}, title={Effect of Humidity on Yeast And Moulds Viability in Fiber Filters}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123679/PDF-MASTER/11_AE_VOL_29_2003_Sztompka_Wplyw_wilgotnosci.pdf}, keywords={yeast, moulds, humidity, fiber filters}, }