@ARTICLE{Stebel_Adam_Bryophytes_2003, author={Stebel, Adam}, volume={vol. 29}, number={No 1}, pages={99-110}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={In the years I 999-2002 bryological investigations were carried out within the ,,Morzyk" (Jasienica commune, Bielsko-Biała district) and ,,Skarpa Wiślicka" (Skoczów commune, Cieszyn district) nature reserves located in the western part of Silesian Foothills. The area under study covers 11.47 ha (,,Morzyk") and 24.17 ha (,,Skarpa Wiślicka"). In both studied areas deciduous forests (mainly Den/ario glandulosaeFagetum, Tilio-Carpinetum and Carici remotae-Fraxinetumi predominate. As a results of this research, the occurrence of 11 taxa of liverworts and 69 taxa of mosses have been noted (7 liverworts in ,,Morzyk" and 9 in ,,Skarpa Wiślicka" as well as 51 mosses in ,,Morzyk" and 57 in ,,Skarpa Wiślcka"). The analysis of the frequency range shows, that overwhelming majority of the bryoflora consists of very rare taxa ("Morzyk" - 50%; "Skarpa Wiślicka" - 50%). The most important components of the flora are new or rare for this area bryophytes, such as: Brachythecium campestre, Bryum klinggraeffii, Fissidens exilis, F. gracillifolius, Homomallium incurvatum, Orthodicranum tauricum, Riccio rhenana and Taxiphyllum wissgrillii. Six main ecological groups of species are characterised in detail.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Bryophytes of The ,,Morzyk" and ,,Skarpa Wiślicka" Nature Reserves in Silesian Foothills}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123677/PDF/9_AE_VOL_29_2003_Stebel_Mszaki.pdf}, keywords={liverworts, mosses, nature reserves, Silesian Foothills, Upper Silesia, Poland}, }