@ARTICLE{Gawlik_Lidia_Results_2003, author={Gawlik, Lidia and Grzybek, Ireneusz}, volume={vol. 29}, number={No 1}, pages={3-23}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change obliges member countries to make an inventory of greenhouse gases emission and, among others, an inventory of fugitive emission from coal mining system. To comply with this obligation, basing on 1992 data. Poland has evaluated so-called "emission factors" for identified sources of methane emission. According to IPCC/OECD guidelines, the emission factors multiplied by coal output allow simple evaluation of methane emission. Since the time when the emission factors were evaluated in 1994, coal industry in Poland has undergone major organisational and technical changes. At the same time significant development of basic knowledge on geology of methane in coal-bearing strata have occurred. Both these facts make the emission factors evaluated earlier inaccurate. A wide range of research indispensable for accurate evaluation of new emission factors is described in the paper. It is also recommended in the paper that by the time the research results are known, the improved emission factors. which take into account organisational changes of mining industry should be used. Methane emission from coal mining system in 1999 evaluated using those emission factors equals 527,889 Gg.}, type={Article}, title={Results of Research on Inventory Uncertainty of Methane Fugitive Emission from Coal Mining System}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123671/PDF-MASTER/3_AE_VOL_29_2003_Gawlik_Results.pdf}, keywords={methane emission, coal mining system, evaluation uncertainty}, }