@ARTICLE{Borecki_Michal_Risk_2020, author={Borecki, Michal}, volume={vol. 11}, number={No 4}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={This paper focuses on the analysis of selected risks as part of investments in the power engineering at the initial (tender) stage of the life cycle in the context of the method of project management by the Contractor. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of over 500 tenders in the power engineering, from the last 5 years, taking into account future forecast data. The analysis carried out in this article was aimed at achieving specific and unique goals and results aimed at creating a useful product, which is the Contractor’s offer in the power engineering, taking into account the most significant risks. The result of this article is to support the project team in implementing risk management in the project at the tender stage. For this purpose, the risks with their basic parameters were defined, which allowed for the development of a risk matrix taking into account the data obtained in the tender procedures of leading electric power distributors. Based on the proposed risk quantification criteria, a list of remedial actions was prepared for all risk types listed in this article. In addition, the aspects of possible elimination/reduction of the impact of the most significant risks that occur at the analyzed stage of the investment life cycle were developed.}, title={Risk level analysis in the selected (initial) stage of the project life cycle}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/119035/PDF/10-479.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2020.136124}, keywords={project management, risk management, life cycle assessment, power engineering, electrical grid}, }