@ARTICLE{Mandal_Eugenia_Possession_2019, author={Mandal, Eugenia and Kocur, Dagna Joanna}, volume={vol. 50}, number={No 4}, journal={Polish Psychological Bulletin}, pages={326-333}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Committee for Psychological Science PAS}, abstract={The aim of the paper was to analyse relations between power in professional work and in close sexual relationships. Power in professional work was analysed with respect to the managerial position, the number of subordinates and salary. Power in close sexual relationships was determined on the basis of a sense of reinforcement of power as a sexual motivation, a propensity for sexual domination, the sense of power in relations with a partner in a close relationship, sexual assertiveness, realization of one’s own sexual phantasies and inclination to initiate sexual activity. The research was carried out on a group of 205 participants in which 100 of respondents occupied managerial positions at work and 105 were subordinates. The following tools were used: the Sense of Power Scale (Anderson, John, & Keltner, 2012), the Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire (Snell, Fisher, & Walters, 1993), the AMORE scale (Hill & Preston, 1996), the Need for Power and Influence Questionnaire (Bennett, 1988) and a data sheet. The results showed that power in the workplace was correlated a more frequent initiation of sexual activity, greater assertiveness in sexual matters, more frequent realisation of one’s own phantasies and an increased propensity for sexual domination.}, type={Article}, title={Possession and Subordination to Power in Professional Relations vs Power in Close Sexual Relations}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/114421/PDF/PPB%204-19%205%20Mandal.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ppb.2019.131005}, keywords={Power, sexuality, need for power, sense of power, sexual domination}, }