@ARTICLE{Wiśniewski_Edward_Moraines_1981, author={Wiśniewski, Edward}, volume={vol. 2}, number={No 1-2}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={17-28}, howpublished={online}, year={1981}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Ice-cored moraines are the only accumulation forms of Antarctic ice-sheet in the contact zone with Bunger Hills. Their longiness ranges from 3.5 km to 250 m, they are from 300 m to 30 m wide and their elevation oscillates between 10 and 5 m. A thickness of moraimc cover which lags the ice-core is changeable in the limit of 1 m. A process of decay of ice-cores, leading to deformations of their moraines, plays a small part up to now. It is caused a dry climate, probably, which was not favorable for the release and the work of melted waters in a large scale. The weak separation of ice-cored moraines results from a small amount of morainic material transported to the front of ice-sheet, probably as the ice-sheet is almost motionless. The granulometric analysis of morainic sediments shows their bad segregation.}, type={Article}, title={Moraines forms and deposits of Antarctic ice-sheet at the contact with Bunger Hills}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111554/PDF-MASTER/1981_1-2_017-028.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, Bunger Hills, glacial geomorphology}, }