@ARTICLE{Siciński_Jacek_Macrozooplankton_1991, author={Siciński, Jacek and Kittel, Wojciech and Żmijewska, Maria I.}, volume={vol. 12}, number={No 4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={565-582}, howpublished={online}, year={1991}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Macrozooplankton was caught at 17 stations with a Bongo net from the 0-200 m layer. The stations were located near the pack ice edge, between Elephant Islands and the South Orkney Islands. The cluster analysis of 58 recognized taxa allowed to distinguish three regions: the western — near Elephant Island, the middle and the western one — at the South Orkney Islands. No clear difference in macrozooplankton species composition at the open sea stations and those near pack ice was found. The average biomass of macrozooplankton in the investigated area amounted to 82.8 g/1000 m3 (95% CL: 47.2-94.2 g/1000m3). Macrozooplankton was dominated by salps and krill. The biomass and 95% confidence limits were 52.0 g/1000 m3 (15.6-59.2 g/1000 m3) and 26.1 g/1000 m3 (8.4-30.4 g/1000 m3), respectively. Differences in the biomass distribution of some taxa in three distinguished regions were observed. Except of salps the biomass of particular taxa caught near the pack ice edge and the same taxa caught in stations distant from this edge were similar. The biomass of salps was evidently higher in most northern stations.}, type={Article}, title={Macrozooplankton near the pack ice between Elephant Island and the South Orkney Islands (December 1988 - January 1989)}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111155/PDF-MASTER/1991-4_565-582.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, zooplankton, pack ice}, }