@ARTICLE{Siciński_Jacek_Zoobenthos_1996, author={Siciński, Jacek and Różycki, Olgierd and Kittel, Wojciech}, volume={vol. 17}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={221-238}, howpublished={online}, year={1996}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Herve Cove, a small, shallow and partly isolated basin, is strongly influenced by glacial freshwater inlfow, bringing significant amount of mineral suspension. Its mean annual content amounted up to 46 mg dm-3. Sea anemone (Edwardsia sp.), bivalves (Yoldia eightsi, Laternula elliptica and Mysella sp.), amphipods (mostly Cheirimedon femoratus) a well as some species of polychaetes constituted almost 95% of zoobenthos biomass and 90% of abundance. Four different assemblages of benthic invertebrates, with total biomass ranging from 0.002 kg m-2 up to 1.7 kg m-2, were distinguished in this relatively small (about 12 ha) area. It seems that the freshwater impact influences the composition of an assemblage occurring close to the edge of a glacier. Relatively rich crustacean fauna was encountered in the shallow part of the cove near its entrance. Almost complete lack of echinoderms in Herve Cove, that are common in the shallow Antarctic sublittoral, should also be noted. Macrozooplankton of Herve Cove was dominated by Copepoda. The most frequent and abundant species were: Oithona similis, Ctenocalanus citer and Metridia gerlachei. Far less numerous Chaetognatha represented by three species, Ostracoda, Polychaeta, Pteropoda and Siphonophora constituted only 2.5% of all planktonie animals collected.}, type={Article}, title={Zoobenthos and zooplankton of Herve Cove, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110968/PDF-MASTER/1996-3-4_221-238.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, King George Island, zoobenthos, zooplankton, abundance and biomass}, }