@ARTICLE{Milejski_Paweł_An_2018, author={Milejski, Paweł}, volume={Rok LXII}, pages={239-268}, journal={Wiadomości Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={During the museum query, which took place on 7 April 2016 in the Museum of Archaeology in Wroclaw an unknown parcel of the Grodziec hoard (district of Złotoryja) was revealed. This hoard was found in 1967. Two years later, it was published as a complex containing 492 coins: Polish, Bohemian and German groschen and half-groschen as well as two Gdansk shillings. Tpq was established as 1501. A parcel containing 173 Prague groschen had been completely left out of that publication. It contains coins of Charles IV, Wenceslas IV and Vladislaus II. The hoard dating had to be indistinctly altered (tpq 1502) and the quantitative composition of individual denominations turned out to be completely different. In the appendix the coins from the first part of the hoard are described, which were omitted or incorrectly described by M. Haisig. Especially interesting is the very rare groschen of the county of Henneberg.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={An unknown parcel of the groschen hoard from Grodziec (the Złotoryja district)}, URL={http://rhis.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109089/PDF/WN%201-2-2018%2013Milejski(Grodziec).pdf}, doi={10.24425/wn.2018.125047}, }